High quality cutting boards
Do you experience problems such as dies embedding into your cutting boards, bowed cutting boards, rapid deterioration of the cutting boards or slow production speeds? The importance of the cutting board in comparison to the more expensive cutting dies is often overlooked and directly related to these problems. With the new brand name Star we offer you answers and service at the highest level along with more than 40 years experience in producing cutting boards on the most modern equipment.

Star high quality cutting boards can be used on these types of presses and more:
- Beam
- Platen
- Receding head
- Roller
- Swing arm clicker
- Traveling head
The perfect partner for your cutting equipment and dies!
Star cutting boards are the very best cutting surface for materials such as:
- Corrugated paper and plastic
- Fabric
- Fleece
- Foam
- Gasket
- Insole
- Leather
- Paper
- Rubber and thermoplastic
- Synthetic
- and many more
We will advise you about the right type of cutting board for your application free of charge!